Thursday, March 17, 2016

Study Skills - Quizlet

This is the link to my Quizlet:

The opening page to my Quizlet.
Quizlet is an app that has been around for some time, but one I had not used until this class.  It is an obvious choice for learning vocabulary in English or say French. It can also be used for social studies to learn dates and events.

I experimented with Scatter, Speller, Test, and Gravity. Scatter is a matching game of sorts. You drag the answer over the question. Speller uses sound. Test is like a traditional test multiple choice and all.  Gravity was the hardest. It was like an arcade game where you had to type the answer before the asteroid fell.
A traditional test.

My flash cards as a set.
A flash card answer.

A flash card question. 

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