Wednesday, March 9, 2016

#1 Post Talking Avatar - #16 Creative Expression

This is the link to my Tellagami:

This is the first time I have used Tellagami.  It was a lot easier than PuppetPals 2. It isn't as versatile, though.  It has some interesting possibilities, because it is limited to 30 seconds.

I made a Tellagami that introduced a new unit. My students could make one when the unit is done to sum up their experience.  If you can explain something in 30 seconds, you know it well. I can have my students explain a concept from English, like similes and metaphors using Tellagami.  Finally, this might be good way to have my freshmen students introduce themselves to me in the fall.  I have the same students by and large for four years, so they wouldn't need to do it every year, but it would be nice to have a way to get to know my new students better.

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