I have long since been fascinated with stop-motion films. The first one I ever made was when I was in a high school art class. Then, we used a real film camera. Today, we use digital cameras on portable devices and get instant feedback and the ability to start over as many times as is necessary.
When I taught Digital Media, I made a stop-motion film of a toy koala doing aerobics. I posted it on YouTube to learn how to do that. If you want to see it, here is the link: https://youtu.be/3SOpxv1olXI.
Making stop-motion films is fun, but it is time-consuming. It is also hard to do with an iPad unless you have a holder for it. Trying to hold it still and move the pieces in a film makes for shaky video. It also takes a great deal of planning. Having a script is essential. Otherwise, your film can go "off the rails," so to speak.
In addition to having my students learn how to make stop-motion films in Digital Media, I have my freshmen make them in English 9. We read The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. I have my students create a stop-motion scene from the book. They import the film into iMovie and add narration. The example I show them is above and one I made.
The video below was made with Lego Movie. The other films were made with Snap!
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