Wednesday, March 2, 2016

#2 Imaged Based Story Project - Videolicious


Script for the Imaged-based Project Using Videolicious:

This is Lake Michigan. I used the slow-motion feature on my iPhone to record the waves on a summer day.  I just tapped the SlowMo button and panned the scene.

This video could be used in physics class when wave forms are discussed.  The slow-motion video technique could be used by students in physics as well.  They could film objects in motion and describe them.  Students could use this technique in English as well. It would give them a starting point for a descriptive essay or story.


The imaged-based story made in Videolicious is easier to control than the animated story made in PuppletPals2.  PuppetPals2 limits the user to objects and characters provided by the app. Videolicious lets the user choose films and photos that fit the script better. The user can take the photos or make the videos to use.

I could see Videolicious used in science class.  Students could either film an experiment or take photos of each step. Then the student could narrate the experiment to show process and understanding.

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