Saturday, March 19, 2016

Research and Reference - Online Bookmarking - Diigo

I used Diigo to save bookmarks for Purdue OWL (online writing lab), Librivox, and Project Gutenberg. I chose them, because they can be used in English class. My screenshots are of Project Gutenberg and Librivox, as well as my library in Diigo. Purdue OWL gives tutorial on how to write term papers. Project Gutenberg is a database of out of copyright works. Librivox has the audio version to many of the works i Project Gutenberg.

I leaned about Diigo last summer, but to honest,I haven't used it since. I do teach research writing. When I do, I have my students copy and paste the web addresses they use into a word processing document.  The idea of Diigo is that these addresses will be all in one place and available online.That would be the best use for collecting sites. However, I find it much more complicated than I want. I just need a list.  The old way suits me, but I bet my students would like this better.

  1. My Diigo Library

    Project Gutenberg


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