Wednesday, March 2, 2016

#3 Teacher Tools - PowerTeacher and Timer

I use PowerTeacher every school day with rare exception.  I use the mobile app at home when students send me late work by email.  It is my electronic record books and grade book in one.
I included screen shots from the online class I supervised, because I do not have grades visible. 
They are in the notes section, because I am not the teacher grading them. I just keep records.
In my own classes, I have assignment that are worth points. PowerTeacher calculates grades from them.  

I checked out the Timer app.  I could use a timer when I give my students work to do in class. I often tell them they have 10 minutes or 15 minutes to complete a task, but I have to watch the clock. A timer would help keep track of how long they have and announce when the time is up.  Students could use the Timer app to practice for standardized tests like the SAT.  They need to practice reading and writer faster. This app could aid them in that.

The opening screen to PowerTeacher.

The grade book for Online.
Class grade details..

This is Timer

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