Saturday, March 12, 2016

#1 QR Codes

Willard Library Web Site
Willard Library Web Site

Google Map -Willard Library

Willard Map

Willard Library Phone Number
Willard Library Phone

QR Codes on te Internet

I haven't had much experience with QR codes. They seemed like a gimmick. to me.  However, I had fun making them. I chose QR codes related to Willard Library.  As a media specialist and English teacher, libraries have a special place in my life. I chose to make QR codes to show the map of where Willard Library is located, its web page, and its phone number.

I have seen QR codes used in the classroom.  Our theology teacher uses them to do impromptu quizzes and surveys. He has cards that students hold up and he scans them, as I understand.  I could have my students create QR codes. I found some ideas online. One is to create scavenger hunts with them. I have my students do this as a way to use organizational skills.  I like the idea of adding them to books or book reviews. They could link to author biographies.  Maps have always fascinated me. QR codes are a cool way to link to maps.  I could have students make maps and then make QR codes to link to them.

The only roadblock to using QR codes in the classroom seems to be separating the idea of QR codes from advertising.  Parents might need a bit educating, but I really don't see that as a problem.

1 comment:

  1. I know one school that has students write, then creates a QR code to an audio file of the student reading their writing. They hang them in the hallway for PT Conference with instructions for the parents on how to hear the student reading the story.
