Tuesday, March 1, 2016

#1Post Screencast Discuss

I went to the Showme website to get examples of screencasts for English.  I look at two.The first is one that explains Act I, Scene i of Macbeth.  The second is a lesson  on point of view.  Both are part of my curriculum.

Macbeth Act I, Scene i:

Point of View:

The Macbeth  screencast marks up the printed scene while the teacher describes the action. He underlines, and circles parts of lines in a variety of colors that don't seem to have any real connection to the words. They just get the viewer's attention.

What is good about this is that the markups draw your attention to the words he is explaining. It is not static like some other the other screencasts I viewed.  It got right to the point, too. One I looked at on parts of speech gave such a long static introduction that I gave up watching it.

The Point of View screencast had pictures, text, markups, and narration. It was easy to follow and something I would use in class.  It is unlike another screencast I watched on grammar. It was hand written and busy and confusing. I would choose to type instead of write for this reason.

Both these screencasts were done by teachers.  They are something my students could use, but also examples of what they could do.  They are more show than tell and that makes them engaging.

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