Saturday, March 5, 2016

#2 Student Response GoSoapBox

My poll has been created. 
Poll results in a pie chart

Poll results in a bar chart.
I chose GoSoapBox, because when I went to Infuse Learning, it said it was going down in April. I am not sure if that means forever or not, so I thought it better to use GoSoapBox.

Socrative and GoSoapBox have some of the same features. Both have quizzes and questions. The differences seem to lie in the polls and the "barometer" in GoSoapBox. It is much more attuned to the feelings of the students.  They let the teacher know if the students are "getting it" or not.  I would be nice to gauge their frustration level, too.

I would try GoSoapBox first.  I could give a poll to my students that could lead to a good discussion. The question I chose in my poll was about favorite children's books.  Once students have taken the poll, we could discuss what makes for good literature.

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