Monday, February 8, 2016

Social Media Twitter Artifact

I have a Twitter account, but until this class, I think I had only posted once and that was to learn how to do it. My first impression of Twitter was that it was for people who either had too much time on their hands, or those who needed to hear the words "Too much information."  I have no desire to share my every thought and action with the world.  

I do like the immediacy of Twitter. When we had an earthquake in Battle Creek this past year, I had my suspicions confirmed by people who tweeted about it.  

Being a teacher is rewarding, but it is tiring. I need down time. Being connected with my students and principal and other teachers is important, but I do not want to be available 24-7.

I have concerns about connecting with people I do not know on the Internet. Just because someone says they are a teacher does not make it so.  I would prefer to use Twitter to get information, not give it.

Here are some of the tweets from the people I followed for this assignment. Below are my tweets.

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