Thursday, February 25, 2016

Scanning and Saving

This being a snow day, I decided to bake muffins with a recipe they use at the Wild Goose Inn in East Lansing. I took a scan of the recipe and annotated it. Then I baked the muffins and took a scan of them. I added the note and annotation in PDF Notes.

The image to the top left is what I put into my Evernote folder for this assignment.

I use Dropbox for storing files in the cloud. I like it because it stores the files on my computer, too.  It helps me because I can easily transfer files from a computer at school to my computer at home.

I can see the benefits of Evernote.  I could put reminders in it instead of writing a note and putting it in my pocket. Sometimes I forget the note and find a faded lump of paper in my pocket after I threw the pants in the wash.  I don't see that happening with Evernote.

The annotation of PDFs is great for me. I have my students use iBooks and they can easily annotate books in the epub format, but not PDF. This might be a way to do that.

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