Saturday, February 6, 2016

Connections Artifact FaceTime

The above is a screenshot of my husband and me using FaceTime.  He used an iPhone and I used my iPad.

Video calls can save a lot of time and travel.  We are in the midst of curriculum alignment among the schools in the Diocese of Kalamazoo. It would be helpful for teachers from our school in Battle Creek and those at Lake Michigan Catholic in St. Joseph to use Skype or FaceTime or Hangouts to collaborate.

I like the idea of using Classroom Skype to connect with other schools.  Penpals were common when I was in elementary school.  It was cool to write to someone halfway across the country, let alone the world.  Now we can communicate instantly with people all over the world.  Despite that, my students are insulated from other cultures. It would great for students in French or Spanish or social studies to connect to students who likely know more about Americans than we do about them.

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