Friday, February 26, 2016

#2 Learning Management - Schoology

My three additions to my Schoology class are in the discussion,
 assignment, and media areas.
This screen shot shows the iMovie trailer I added.

We use PowerSchool and Moodle  at my high school.  PowerSchool is a grading program. Moodle has my assignments on it. It also has tests and resources.  Both are ways to communicate with students. It is a way they can get their work and turn it in when they are absent.

I had used Edmodo before, but barely. I offered to help in curriculum development. The discussion took place in Edmodo.  I had trouble joining the group, but when I did, I could see the value in keeping a record of discussion and files.   Edmodo offered a cool polling feature. My students can use that in research.  

Schoology was new to me. Schoology was easier to use.  It was clear how to add media, assignments, and discussion areas.  I looked at discussion groups. In order to make comments, I was required to add my cell phone number. I am not comfortable doing that.  Apparently students do not have to do that, so maybe there is a way I could just use my email address.

To be honest, all these apps are a bit overwhelming. When all is said and done, I will look at the needs I have and see which app suits that need.

1 comment:

  1. This course is definitely exposure to a LOT of apps! Perhaps the end capstone assignment should be changed to do what you say - reflect on classroom needs and pick apps that fit your needs?
